Sunday, 1 November 2020

Following the Science

A systematic literature review of studies surrounding singing and brass, woodwind and bagpipe playing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact us to get the full article

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Coop Local Community Fund

Start of our year as a beneficiary from the Coop Local Community Fund. Coop members can select a specific charity to support with their Coop spend. Any unnominated spend is divided among the 3 beneficiary groups in the local area.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Covid Pandemic

All Band activities suspended due to Covid Pandemic


The Band’s Constitutional clause 29.2 regarding the dissolution of the Band states is recorded that the Band has failed to appear in public throughout the previous two seasons…


Years 2020 and 2021 have been and will be exceptional due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the restrictions on public interactions. The last official appearance of the Band was at a wedding at Harvest Moon, Lochhouses on 29 February 2020.


In spite of this we have had individuals playing at the Fidra Nursing Home, the Abbey Care Home, Leuchie House and Hilton Lodge, Haddington at various points throughout the year. With the raising of restrictions during the summer months we were able to have some informal practices on Elcho Green in North Berwick and also a Band performance in July at Leuchie house to celebrate their 9 years as an independent charity. We also had one of our young members piping a socially distanced Santa for the switch on the North Berwick Christmas lights.